Health Care

Are your Healthcare operations positioned to adapt to future changes?

 Are you experiencing your desired patient outcomes?

Does your inventory investment ensure the desired level of availability? Find out how Llamasoft Optimiza can assist.

Are you in need of a risk-free environment where your healthcare system can be modeled, tested, and analysed? Learn more about FlexSim Healthcare. 


Process Analysis

The Mapping and evaluation of healthcare and support processes will improve maturity and introduce measurable results.


Supply Chain Analysis

Evaluating equipment, PPE and medication supply chain will identify improvement opportunities.


Resource Schedule Analysis

Advanced analytics and models will determine your resource allocation and scheduling within the healthcare facilities to improve patient care.


Facility Layout Design

We will also analyse  your healthcare facility’s flow and layout according to best practice design principles as well as the development of concept designs.


Business Intelligence

Business intelligence platforms are designed and used for right time decision making utilising data science techniques.


Operations Planning

Manage your inventory levels to balance your demand and adapt to seasonal fluctuations.

Inventory Management

Llamasoft OPTIMIZA is a fully integrated modular-based executional tool supporting a wide range of functionality covering demand, inventory & supply planning. Users of OPTIMIZA on average achieve a combination of 10%-25% reductions on inventory costs as well as service level improvements of between 2% – 10%.

Healthcare Simulation

Why not simulation modelling? It is accurate, effective and easy. It focuses on improving patient outcomes and providing valuable and accurate information about where a facility has been and where it is going. Simulation modelling is concerned with finding the best pace at which a healthcare system can operate at the lowest reasonable cost, but still most effectively without negatively affecting service delivery and patient care. FlexSim Healthcare is used internationally to solve the unique problems of the healthcare industry, use the following link to access case studies completed by FlexSim Healthcare partners. (

Our world class products to take your manufacturing supply chain forward.

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